Adding additional IP addresses to Linux

Jason Canady

Posted by on August 29, 2012

If you have purchased a server from Unlimited Net with multiple IP addresses, you will notice that by default we do not configure the additional IP addresses for you. This is so that if you have a control panel with automation, you can add the IP addresses from there. If you need to manually add a range of addresses, please follow the guide below.

In this example, we are going to use for the subnet. Your primary IP address is and you need to add –

Assuming that you are using CentOS or Fedora, please follow the steps below. First, you will need to login to your server. You can do this via ssh or via KVM (if you have one of our Xeon servers, these come with dedicated KVM via IPMI). Once you have logged in, follow the steps below using your command prompt:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0

Press the Insert key on your keyboard or use a lowercase I (“i”) to enter Insert mode. Begin typing (or copy / paste) the following:


Press the Escape key on your keyboard and type:

To apply the changes, restart your network interface.
service network restart

Note: If you do not wish to bring down all network adapters, you may use the following:
ifdown eth0; ifup eth0

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! You may leave a comment below or contact support via our Ticket System.

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